Wednesday, November 18, 2009

November 19, 2009

Today is a special day, November 19, 2009. And i have few issues to share with you all:

The ministers, government servants, security forces and agents, so called our 'detective' branches had alarmed, whistled that on 19 there will be 'nashokota nashokota vaab' in the country. Therefore they have tightened up all security measures. They are checking every suspects and have already sent thousands of floating people from the street to jail as 'chalaan'. Vagabonds are really threat and can add colors to the 'nashokota nashokota vaab'. No doubt - our government thinks so.

Anyway we were wondering why there will be 'nashokota', who wants to 'nash' what?

The taken measures beefing the security were armed forces deployment and so on. I am sure who recently roamed around the city have experienced this. Some black and blue dressed bulls stop different vehicles, get the passengers out of it, ask some question and checks ins and outs of the vehicle - i mean kills the valuable times and allow us to go without saying a simple 'thank you' for your cooperation.

No, i am wrong. The government have taken full initiatives to maintain law and order and security for citizens. They have asked every CNG scooters to put up a metal made cage on their open sides, so the passengers getting in can feel protected like the animals in zoo. Yes, if you do not believe my words, just go outside on the street and see the changes yourself. Just as nashokota nashokota vaab, i wanted to go from north to south of the city and i hired a CNG - this morning. Really, we got the cage and i felt like same what i said and what you would experience.

See, the government is advising funniest measures for public to take. They clearly failed to ensure safe journey of people. Aah! Awami league!!!

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